A family passion
Only two generation, the one of the “Founders”, Sergio and Thea, e the one of their sons David and Vittorio. A short story, but full, intense and alive. If in the early 70s making quality in Romagna was crazy visionaries, if , in the early 2000s experimenting with non-native varieties and natural winemaking techniques and with reduced use of chemistry was not yet “cool”, now after almost 50 years, the challenge is to prove that everything that has been done, the results and the satisfactions have not come by chance.

The bloodline has four male, Sergio, David, Vittorio and Francesco. But the daily work has created another family, now of eleven people, where they speak four different languages, including Romagna and Treviso languages
Two twins piece of land (about 26 hectares each) but different: one, the Imola one, lying in the little cool valletti at the Rio Sanguinario border (administrative only!) between Emilia e Romagna. The other, the Forlì one, on the ridge of the hill overhanging the lower part of Ravenna, exposed to the Apennine Phoenix and the saline and fresh Adriatic bora.